Creepy Quick Tip - February 20, 2018 - Desiccants


Creepy Quick Tips - February 20, 2018

Dealing with Moisture and Memory Card Storage

You can purchase a small folding card sleeve that holds a multitude of cards for your game cameras but for me I re-use an old mouth call container (like a plastic Primos Mouth Call container) to hold up to 4 cards.  I also like to throw in a little desiccant to keep moisture of damaging the card.  Often packaging have these little desiccants that you can hold onto for such an occasion.  I find the ones from beef jerky packages work great after you a gentle wipe down because they also add a little padding.  I like to do this because it adds a hard shell protector around the cards to prevent them from bending or cracking while in a pocket or backpack.

Before opening a game camera, , it is good to wipe the camera down to prevent moisture from entering the inside of the camera box.  This moisture can cause damage after it is sealed back up with the batteries.

Keeping Desiccants Handing

I will collect desiccants so I can discard them after extended use and replace them with ones that haven't been exposed to potential moisture situations.  These little sucker will add a level of confidence that moisture will not be trapped in location where it can be damaging.  I use it will memory cards, camera bags and places I store ammunition.
